Course Outline


  • Overview of OAuth
  • Understanding API security


  • Protocol endpoints
  • Scope
  • Authorization code for web apps
  • Implicit flow for single-page apps
  • Client credentials for machines
  • Resource owner password credentials
  • Long-lived access with refresh tokens
  • Choosing the right response mode
  • Simplifying OAuth with OAuth 2.1

Native Applications Best Practices

  • Unique issues of native apps
  • Using PKCE to handle stolen tokens
  • Choosing the best redirect URI

Browser-based Application Best Practices

  • The security profile of the browser-based app
  • OAuth within the browser
  • Avoiding OAuth with SameSite cookies
  • Securing browser-based apps with backend for frontend

Extending OAuth

  • OAuth and Identity with OpenID Connect
  • Configuring clients with OAuth metadata
  • Authorizing the IoT with the OAuth device flow
  • Combining SAML and OAuth with the SAML assertion grant
  • Securing Microservices with token exchange

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic knowledge of web service and API development


  • Developers
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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