Course Outline

1. Introduction to RabbitMQ

  • Setting up the required folders
  • Downloading and installing RabbitMQ

2. Understanding messaging

  • The role of a consumer
  • The role of a producer
  • Bindings consumers and producers
  • Messages and durability
  • How to verify delivery

3. Administering RabbitMQ

  • Starting and stopping nodes
  • RabbitMQ configuration files
  • How to manage privileges
  • Viewing statistics and analyzing logs
  • Sending alerts
  • How to set up parallel processing

4. High availability with cluster

  • Architecture of a cluster
  • Queues in a cluster
  • Setting up a test cluster
  • Distributing the nodes to more machines
  • How to preserve messages: mirrored queues

5. A programmer perspective

  • Writing robust code
  • Installing and configuring HAProxy
  • Failing clients between servers

6. Implementing failover and replication

  • Setting up a load balancer-based master/slave
  • Installing the Shovel plugin
  • Configuring and running Shovel

7. Web tools to administer RabbitMQ

  • The RabbitMQ Management plugin
  • Managing RabbitMQ from the web console
  • Administering users from the web console
  • Managing queue from the web console
  • Using the command line interface

8. RabbitMQ and the REST API

  • REST API features
  • Accessing statistics
  • vhost and user provisioning

9. Monitoring and securing RabbitMQ

  • Message durability and Message acknowledgement
  • Memory usage and process limits
  • Setting up SSL


  • Experience with the Linux command line interface.
  • An understanding of enterprise application development concepts.


  • IT specialists
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (7)

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