Course Outline

Day 01


  • Why BDD?
  • BDD as an extension of Agile
  • Agenda for Day 01

Applying BDD at Different Stages in the Software Development Cycle

  • Before development
  • During development
  • After development

One Language to Rule Them All

  • Engineers and non-engineers speak different languages
  • Bridging the gap through BDD
  • A preview of the BDD language: Gherkin

The Different Roles of BDD

  • BDD as product requirements (for product owner)
  • BDD as acceptance criteria (for developers)
  • BDD as test cases (for testers)
  • BDD as a description of the product (for other stake holders)

Back to Agile: It All Starts with User Stories

  • Overview of the Agile development cycle
  • The role of User Stories in Agile development

Q&A Session and Discussion


Creating a Good User Story

  • Using the right language
    • Role, Action, Outcome
  • A sample User Story

Activity - Writing a User Story

  • Writing your first User Story - individual activity
  • Tightening your User Stories - team activity
  • Delivering your User Story - team activity

User Stories in Real Projects

  • Team dynamics
  • Tools and techniques
  • User Stories in the software development cycle

On to BDD

  • Extending the User Story
  • Introducing the Feature File
  • Capturing the expected behavior of software
  • Imagining what "unexpected" behavior looks like

Creating a Good Feature File

  • Using the right language (Gherkin)
    • Given, When, Then
  • A sample Feature File

Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 01

  • Writing your first Feature File - individual activity
    • Feature section
    • Scenario section
  • Tightening your Feature File - team activity
  • Delivering your Feature File - team activity

Feature Files in Real Projects

  • Team dynamics
  • Tools and techniques
  • User Stories in the software development cycle

Q&A Session and Discussion


Setting up Your Environment

  • Making Gherkin pretty
  • The joy of productivity

Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 02

  • Writing your Feature File - individual activity
    • Passing multiple arguments to your Scenario
    • Scenario Outline section
  • Tightening your Feature File - team activity
  • Delivering your Feature File - team activity

Q&A Session and Discussion


Closing Remarks

Day 02


  • Recap of previous day
  • Agenda for Day 02

Your Own Product - An Introspection

  • Describing your product
  • Drawing a picture of your product

Extending Test Coverage

  • Usability of the system
  • Business requirements
  • Business processes

Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 03

  • Writing your Feature File - individual activity
    • Examples section
    • Reusing data and scenarios
    • Organizing features and scenarios with tags
  • Tightening your Feature File - team activity
  • Delivering your Feature File - team activity

Q&A Session and Discussion


The Feature File - What to Leave Out

  • What to leave to the engineers
    • Low-level functionality (unit tests)
    • Exhaustive cross-component functionality (integration and API testing)

Q&A Session and Discussion


Your Own Product - An Introspection

  • How usable is your product?
  • How usable is your product to outside users?

Communication with People outside Your Team

Summary and Next Steps


  • An understanding of user requirements concepts
  • A discerning eye for software goodness and software inadequacies, from an end-user perspective
  • Programming and testing experience are not required


  • Product owners and managers
  • Business analysts
  • Manual testers
  • End-users of a software product or system
  • Non-engineers and non-coders involved in product design
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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