Esplora i nostri corsi

Github Copilot

14 ore

Gerrit Code Review

7 ore

Kubernetes and Gitlab

14 ore

Git and GitHub Fundamentals

21 ore

Gitlab and Gitlab CI

14 ore


14 ore

CI/CD with Bitbucket Pipelines

14 ore

Subversion for Users

7 ore

Subversion for Administrators

7 ore

Git for Victims of Subversion

7 ore

Subversion for Advanced Users

14 ore

Git for Users

7 ore

Release Management and Deployment with Distributed Version Control System

7 ore

Comprehensive Git

21 ore

GitOps Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes

21 ore

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Corsi in Arrivo

Fine settimana Version Control Systems corsi, Sera Version Control Systems training, Version Control Systems centro di addestramento, Version Control Systems con istruttore, Fine settimana Version Control Systems training, Sera Version Control Systems corsi, Version Control Systems coaching, Version Control Systems istruttore, Version Control Systems trainer, Version Control Systems corsi di formazione, Version Control Systems classi, Version Control Systems in loco, Version Control Systems corsi privati, Version Control Systems training individuale