How to enroll in a course?

It's simple, write an email to , or call us at and we will give you detailed information regarding the price, structure and logistical process of each course.


Didactic/Laboratory Model

All courses are delivered live, in person or remotely, with expert NobleProg trainers. We use a mix of 20% theory and 80% practice, we focus on interacting with participants to help them achieve their goals.


Online Live Time

All public courses are delivered online. We use our platform DaDesktop , through which we give each participant access to a LAB environment and Virtual Machines to be able to carry out all the necessary exercises.

Training Course / OverviewDate
AWS: An Introduction to Cloud ComputingJuly 2024
Python FundamentalsJuly 2024
Cybersecurity FundamentalsJuly 2024
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)July 2024
SQL FundamentalsJuly 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for ManagersJuly 2024
Docker and KubernetesJuly 2024
Agile Project Management with ScrumJuly 2024
Oracle SQL FundamentalsJuly 2024
Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile TechniquesAugust 2024
Creating Slide Decks for the Financial WorldAugust 2024
Introduction to C# ProgrammingAugust 2024
Object Oriented Design using Design PatternsAugust 2024
Design PatternsAugust 2024
Designing RESTful APIsAugust 2024
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