Esplora i nostri corsi

Lean Six Sigma Fundamentals

14 ore


7 ore

Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban

21 ore

Lean 5S for Non-Manufacturing Purposes

7 ore

Lean Distribution: Implementing Lean in Distribution, Logistics, and Supply Chain Operations

14 ore

Lean Management: Lean Management in Manufacturing

14 ore

Lean 5S

7 ore

Lean Services: Lean Management For The Service Industry

14 ore

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Corsi in Arrivo

Fine settimana Lean corsi, Sera Lean training, Lean centro di addestramento, Lean con istruttore, Fine settimana Lean training, Sera Lean corsi, Lean coaching, Lean istruttore, Lean trainer, Lean corsi di formazione, Lean classi, Lean in loco, Lean corsi privati, Lean training individuale